Official Armed Forces Veteran's Discount Card
The Defence Privilege Card
Defence Discount Service is home to the official Veterans Discount Card, the Defence Privilege Card. The service was launched in 2012 to help encourage the community to support the Armed Forces, Veterans and the Defence Community. The Veterans Discount card is the only officially endorsed discount card for the Ministry of Defence.
How do I know if I have the official Veterans Discount Card
Your card should read Defence Privilege Card on the front and should also display the logo Defence Discount Service on the card. In addition to this it should display the official service logos. If your card does not have these details then this is not an official Veterans Discount Card.
How do I register for the Defence Privilege Card?
Click the register now button below and fill out the information. Through this sign up process you can choose to apply for the Defence Privilege Card or you can opt to get this later. If you choose the later option, then you can log in and click on Privilege Card in the main menu to continue/start your Defence Privilege Card application.
Wish to sign up by post? click
Already a member but do not have the card?
If you are already a member of Defence Discount Service but do not have a Defence Privilege Card, then it is simple to apply for one. Please log in to your account on the website and click on the Privilege Card tab on the main menu.

Veterans Discount Card
The Defence Privilege Card is the official Ministry of Defence discount card, available for Veterans.