Top savings on holidays and days out

Top savings on holidays and days out

Summer’s well and truly on the way and we can’t wait to get out and about. We know that things have been a little different over the past few years and that the traditional family holiday has changed a lot – for some of us, it means a cruise to the Caribbean and for others, it means an epic famil...

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Defence Discount Service gives back

Defence Discount Service gives back

As part of our continued efforts to support servicemen and women, veterans and military families across the UK, we’ve contributed a share of over £250,000 to The Army Central Fund, RAF Central Fund and The Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity in 2021.

Since launching in 2012, we’re proud to have g...

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Save on summer must-haves

Save on summer must-haves

It seems the first few months of 2022 have flown by, but now, the sun’s coming out, the grass is being cut and the BBQs are being dusted off. That can only mean summer is on its way!

As the nights get longer and the evenings get warmer, many of us begin our holiday and party planning for the mon...

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Discounts to help you do more

Discounts to help you do more

As we all look forward to stepping out of the cold frigidity of winter to enjoy the upcoming summer months, the last thing we want to have to consider is the need to tighten our belts – especially post-lockdown.


The last few years have certainly proved a struggle and our members in particular...

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Save on holiday essentials

Save on holiday essentials

As we start planning to catch up with friends, visit family and relax, is it any surprise that our members are also having to consider not only how to keep the kids entertained but also the logistics of making sure everything goes smoothly! 

Plan for any eventuality 

Whether it’s an unexpected ...

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